Sep 12 – 13, 2022: ANN Meeting

September 12 – 13, 2022:6th Meeting of the ANN in Bonn, Germany“Evolution of the arthropod brain – from development to structure” Talk by Martin NawrotTitle: Structural and functional substrate for intraglomerular signaling in the insect antennal lobeDate: Sep 12, 22, 17:30 Poster presentation by Magdalena SpringerTitle: A computational model of olfactory processing in the fly […]

Sep 6 – 8, 2022: Neuromorphic Algorithms Meeting

September 06 – 08, 2022:Neuromorphic Algorithms Meeting in Göttingen, Germany Talk by Martin NawrotTitle: Basic cellular and circuit mechanisms of dynamic sensory processing and plasticity as building blocks for spiking algorithms. Application Deadline: June 30, 2022 The meeting will take place in-person in Volpriehausen nearby Göttingen. Further information here:

Aug 31 – Sep 03, 2022: ECRO Meeting

August 31 – September 03, 2022:ECRO XXXII Annual Meeting Bernstein in Berlin, Germany Poster presentation by Prof. Martin NawrotTitle: Prediction error coding underlying adaptive olfactory behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.Date: Thu, 1 Sep, 15:30 – 17:00, Poster Session No. 1-59,Planck Lobby & Meitner Hall Further information on the ECRO meeting:

Jul 24 – 29, 2022: ICN Conference

July 24 – 29, 2022:International Congress Neuroethology in Lisbon, Portugal Poster presentation by Cansu AricanTitle: Mushroom body output population activity allows for odor-cued behavioral prediction Poster presentation by Ibrahim TuncTitle: Neuronal noise and heterogeneity increase the dynamic range for encoding electrosensory stimuli Further information:

Neuromorphic Computing & Robotics

back to Research Neuromorphic Computing & Robotics Neuromorphic computing is an interdisciplinary approach that provides an energy efficient alternative to traditional computer architectures. Inspired by various fields such as biology, physics and computer science its goal is to mimic a neuron-based brain architecture in electronic circuits. In our lab we utilize this technology to implement […]

Sensory Processing & Energy Homeostasis

back to Research Sensory Processing & Energy Homeostasis Olfaction is a major research topic in sensory neuroscience. We study the neural computation underlying olfactory processing and multisensory integration in the insect brain combining experimental and computational modeling approaches. In biologically realistic neural network models we achieve the transformation from peripheral dense coding to efficient and […]

Motor Control in Health & Disease

back to Research Motor Control in Health & Disease During voluntary movements, motor commands and sensory feedback operate in an orchestrated manner to enable the appropriate motor action. A lack of proprioceptive feedback leads to a poorly coordinated action, indicating the functional significance of sensory feedback. The motor cortex (MC) uses sensory information for the […]

Plasticity, Learning & Memory

back to Research Plasticity, Learning & Memory Insects are well-suited model organisms to study fundamental principles of neural plasticity that underlie memory formation, decision making and behavioral control. We contribute to this research field by investigating different forms of learning mainly in the olfactory pathway with a specific interest in inter-individual differences. To this end, […]

CTNF 210708 Rubin

Thursday 14 October 2021, 17:00 Jonathan Rubin Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh Title of the Talk: Network dynamics in the basal ganglia and possible implications for Parkinson’s diseaseAbstract: The basal ganglia are a collection of brain areas that are connected by a variety of synaptic pathways and are a site of significant reward-related dopamine […]