Thursday 11 February 2021, 17:00 Benjamin Lindner Theory of Complex Systems and Neurphysics,HU Berlin and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin Title of the Talk:Neural network models – analysis of their spontaneous activity and their response to single-neuron stimulation Host: Martin Nawrot Link to the Talk:

Nov 03-06, 2020: Press article

Press articles on new publication: Nervous systems of insects inspire efficient future AI systems November 2020 Various online journals report on our new research results: KINOTE by Bank Verlag (03/11/2020) EurekAlert! by by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (05/11/2020) SCIENMAG Science Magazine (05/11/2020) by Science X Networks (05/11/2020) Science Daily […]

Personal Page – Magdalena

back to Team Magdalena Anna Springer PhD Student Room 2.314Email:magdalena.springer@uni-koeln.dePhone: +49-221-470-6463 I am interested in investigating the neural circuits that form the olfactory system in arthropods. At first glance, an arthropod brain seems to be rather simple to understand in comparison to a mammalian brain. However, a closer look raises a lot of questions regarding […]

Personal Page – Anna

back to Team Anna-Maria Jürgensen PhD Student Room 1.318Email: a.juergensen@uni-koeln.dePhone: +49-221-470-76128 My work is centered around understanding the mechanisms underlying associative learning. I use computer simulations of rate and spiking network models of the Drosophila olfactory system to study learning through synaptic plasticity. In collaborations with experimental labs I focus on implementing the brain areas […]