
Prediction error drives associative learning and conditioned behavior in a spiking model of Drosophila larvaJürgensen et al., 2024 The mushroom...

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Undergrad Research Opportunities We welcome Master and Bachelor students from the fields of Biology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Physics, or Engineering...

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In the Computational Systems Neuroscience group we investigate information processing in nervous systems of different animal models. In an interdisciplinary team we combine theoretical and experimental approaches with the ultimate goal to formulate valid theories and testable model hypotheses.

We are member of:

  • iBehave: Algorithms of Adaptive Behavior and their Neuronal Implementation in Health and Disease
  • DrosoExpect within the Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) program
  • DFG Collaborative Research Center CRC 1451 and integrated Research Training Group  (iRTG) for graduate students from medical and natural science background: Motor Control in Health and Disease
  • DFG Priority Program SPP 2205: Evolutionary Optimisation of Neuronal Processing
  • DFG Research Unit FOR 2705: Dissection of a Brain Circuit. Structure, Plasticity and Behavioral Function of the Drosophila Mushroom Body
  • National Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience (NNCN)
  • Center for Data and Simulation Science (UoC)
  • Competence Area III (UoC)